person jumping on big rock under gray and white sky during daytime

Is Fear at the Root of Anxiety?

Spoiler alert: I wouldn’t term fear the only cause of anxiety, but it’s a frequent and powerful cause. Warning: I’m not a professional therapist or mental health expert. Take things on this page with a pinch of salt. For centuries,…

man beside white frame window

4 Things That Fuel Anxiety

If you’re like most people who struggle with anxiety daily, you seldom have the emotional bandwidth of figure out what exactly is causing your anxiety. So here are 4 common causes of anxiety. See if you can relate. Hypothetical scenarios…

left human palm close-up photography

How Do You Get Out of Bed?

With optimism? Or with fear? Or with uncertainty? How we awaken in the morning sets the tone for the rest of our day. When we awaken with confidence and hope, it reflects on our experience of the day. Likewise with…

person holding baby feet

Every Person is Precious

Every person is precious. In their own eyes and in the eyes of God. Our lives revolve around the central fact of our existence. What is unimportant to others is often critically important to us. I see the world through…

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