Going to Mass After the Pandemic is Hard

Getting back into the habit of attending Church on Sundays is proving to be hard!

The better parts of 2020 and 2021 saw religious gatherings banned in my state of Tamil Nadu, India. Physically attending Sunday mass was not an option. Thanks to Corona.

It was hard at first. Really hard. But then, as the months wore on, it became the new normal, and very comfortable.

Fast-forward to the present, and the effort of heading to Church seems quite demanding.

And yet, as a person brought up in the Catholic faith, I know the sacraments cannot be accessed remotely. Remote work works in the realm of knowledge work, but not for the sacraments.

The sacraments require physical attendance.

Guess I need to buck up and get back to the old normal. And get off my laptop and beanbag and on to the way that leads to Church!

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