Been Seeing the Bible in a New Way

I’ve always dreaded the thought of having to read the Bible. It’s simply way too long and boring. Or so I thought.

I started loads of times and stopped loads of times. I couldn’t handle it TBH. It was simply too long-winded.

But in the pandemic-fuelled insanity of last year (2020), I actually decided to make another attempt at reading through the Bible. Just reading through it, mind you. Not meditating on every line or chapter.

I decided to do one chapter a day and failed repeatedly even in this endeavour.

I started in the second half of 2020, and it end-June 2021 now. How far have I come? Not very, but further than I ever did before. I’m now reading through 1 Maccabees. LOL, I’m Catholic after all!

I’ve got miles to go before I can sleep, but I’m journeying faster now than ever before. I just want to know the lay of the land for a start.

And btw, I’ve been enjoying reading the Bible like it’s a Ruskin Bond book. It’s been putting me to sleep each night, and calming my anxieties, and, really, making more of a mark on me than I expected.

And it’s been making my faith grow. 🙂

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