Don’t Force Your Mind to Remember 

Sometimes you’ve got to let your mind relax. Especially during those edge-of-mind moments when what you’re trying to remember refuses to reveal itself.

At such times, it doesn’t make much sense to keep pushing. The harder you push, the more will your mind resist.

Stop the effort of trying to remember and do something else. Give your brain some respite. It will remind you in due time!

Here’s the takeaway: It’s not always a good idea to keep exerting energy. Sometimes, letting the mind slacken does the trick.

girl sitting on daisy flowerbed in forest
It’s often a good idea to cut your mind some slack.

Store Your Ideas Here

The brain’s job is to ideate and strategize, not to remember.

Storage of ideas should ideally be done on a Personal Knowledge Management app like Obsidian. To remember to-dos, a tool like Google Tasks or Microsoft To Do works great. To note down plans and strategies in the context of work, use a simple project management tool like Kissflow Project.

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