Rohan Rinaldo Felix

Rohan Rinaldo Felix

I constantly explore ways to be happier and more productive. I'm trying to build my company of one. This website is my little, inconspicuous corner of the World Wide Web. Reach me via LinkedIn. God bless you.

True Charity Is a Form of Love

man in blue t-shirt and white floral skirt holding black smartphone while sitting on sidewalk

Many people believe that charity is simply giving away money or goods to those who are less fortunate. While this may be one form of charity, true charity is actually a form of love. When someone performs an act of…

You Cannot Change Without Grace

human hand

Living our lives with the grace of Christ is one of the best decisions we can make. Christ’s grace is found throughout the Bible and it is what enables us to be forgiven, have eternal life, and experience His love.…

Ever Heard of Switch Cost?

white laptop and brown chops-stick

Are the long hours you work worth it? In our always-on, work-centric society, we tend to put a lot of value on getting things done, and working hard. Consequently, people often feel guilty for taking time off, or for not…

Charity Is a Form of Love

assorted donuts top of white area

According to the Oxford Dictionary, charity is “love and compassion shown toward others”. I believe that charity is the purest form of love. It is selfless and unconditional. Charity begins at home. We should start by loving and caring for…

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