Anything Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Badly

In life, we often come across things that we want to do but are hesitant because we do not want to be bad at them. We think that if we are not good at something from the start, then there is no point in doing it. This way of thinking limits us and stops us from trying new things. We should instead embrace the fact that anything worth doing is worth doing badly.

When we try something new, we are naturally going to be bad at it. This is okay! It is through mistakes and bad experiences that we learn and improve. If we never tried anything because we were afraid of being bad at it, then we would never grow or learn.

The important thing is to not let being bad stop us from continuing to do something. It’s okay to make mistakes; the truth is everyone does. The key is to keep learning and moving forward.

So next time you are hesitant about trying something new because you are afraid of being bad at it, remember that anything worth doing is worth doing badly. Embrace the challenge and enjoy the journey as you improve and become better at what you do.

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