Change Your Reality by Changing Your Perception

What you see and experience in life is not limited to what exists “out there”—your reality is shaped by your perception.

Marketers know this full well when they try to convince you that their product is the best, or that a particular politician is honest. The implication is that if you just buy the product, or vote for the politician, then your reality will change. You will have a better life.

But does perception really create reality?

This question has puzzled philosophers and scientists for centuries. In some ways, it’s a philosophical question about perception’s link to causation—it considers whether the act of perceiving can create changes in the world outside oneself.

In other ways, it’s a scientific question about the nature of stimuli and sense organs and their relationship to consciousness—it considers how stimuli from outside become transformed into conscious experience inside our mind.

Here’s my take: You can absolutely craft a new reality by changing your attitude. Faith is key here.

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