Ever Heard of Switch Cost?

Are the long hours you work worth it? In our always-on, work-centric society, we tend to put a lot of value on getting things done, and working hard. Consequently, people often feel guilty for taking time off, or for not working “enough.” It’s even become socially acceptable to wear our busyness like a badge of honor. We see TV commercials that glorify being available 24/7 and working long hours. But is this really the healthiest or most productive mindset?

In light of growing research on the importance of work-life balance and the negative effects of stress, it’s more important than ever to ask ourselves whether all these hours we’re spending chained to our desks are really worth it. Scientists have found that when people switch between multiple tasks—working on one task, then switching to another, and so on—it actually reduces their productivity overall. This phenomenon is known as switch cost. So even if you’re quickly switching between tasks in an effort to be more efficient, you may actually be slowing yourself down.

This doesn’t mean that we should all quit our jobs and lounge around at home all day instead. It simply means that we should be mindful of how we spend our time—and recognize that not everything needs to be done yesterday. It’s also important to take breaks throughout the day, even if it’s just for a few minutes to walk around or get some fresh air. And finally, don’t be afraid to say no when someone asks for your help—you don’t need to always put others’ needs ahead of your own!

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