There’s the Fog of War. There’s Also the Fog of Sin.

The fog of war. That term is often used to describe the chaos and confusion that happens during a battle. But there’s another type of fog, a spiritual fog, that can shroud our minds and hearts, making it difficult to see clearly. This fog of sin can be just as blinding and dangerous as the fog of war.

During times of war, people are often willing to do things they wouldn’t normally do. They may kill innocent civilians or torture prisoners in order to gain an advantage over the enemy. And in times of peace, people can be just as tempted by sin. They may engage in sinful behavior motivated by greed, envy, anger, or lust because it seems like it will make them happy or successful.

But the truth is that sin always leads to emptiness and death. It may seem like we’re getting what we want in the short-term, but in the long run it only brings pain and regret. The Bible says “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).

Jesus came into this world to free us from our sins. He died on the cross so that we could be forgiven and have eternal life with Him. If we invite Jesus into our hearts and frequent the sacraments with devotion, He will give us grace and strength to overcome temptations and live according to His will. Gradually, the fog of sin will begin to clear, and we’ll be able to see more clearly what God wants for us.

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