The Emptiness Within Needs to Be Filled by God

Life can be difficult, and at times it feels as though we are all alone in this big world. We all have our own struggles and demons to face; however, it’s important to remember that we are never alone. God is with us every moment, even when we don’t see Him (pretty much all the time).

Throughout life, most people struggle with feelings of emptiness and loneliness. We try to fill that space within ourselves with things like drugs, alcohol, or sex; however, nothing ever truly fills the emptiness within. It isn’t until we begin to develop a relationship with God that we start to feel truly fulfilled.

God is the only one who can truly fill the emptiness within us. He provides us with love, compassion, and guidance when we need it most. He helps us to overcome our struggles and provides us with purpose in life. When we develop a relationship with God, we begin to experience true happiness and peace within ourselves.

The emptiness within needs to be filled by God; there is simply no other way around it. If we try to fill that space ourselves, we will only end up disappointed. Thank you Lord for always being there for me; please help me continue to grow closer to You every day.

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